I strongly recommend you do not compile the source maps in this zip file using
the editor menu but instead use a 3rd party graphical front-end program or
batch files. Please remember to change the paths in the batch files to match the location
of where you are storing all of your Q3 files, otherwise they might not work.
All of these batch files below require a map name to be supplied as a parameter
in order to work. Either create a windows shortcut with the map name built in
or open a command line. (File/Run/Cmd) I assume if you know about batch files
you also know about command lines, but if you are unsure, ask someone don't experiment.
All of the models used in Focal Point were setup as ASE files which originally
were made from map files. This format allows for custom brushwork to be
rotated / scaled easily in the editor and is perfect for maintaining texturing
Batch File - creating ASE files
@echo off
@set Q3_PATH="C:/Program Files/Quake III Arena/"
@set COMP_PATH="C:/Program Files/Quake III Arena/q3map2/q3map2.exe"
@set MAP_PATH="C:/Program Files/Quake III Arena/baseq3/maps/%1.map"
@set GEN_OPTIONS=-fs_basepath %Q3_PATH%
rem ASE stuff
rem -subdivision 3 (editor default for small stuff)
rem no subdivision for regular stuff
%COMP_PATH% -bsp -meta -patchmeta %GEN_OPTIONS% %MAP_PATH%
rem %COMP_PATH% -meta -patchmeta -subdivisions 3 %GEN_OPTIONS% %MAP_PATH%
rem HIGH
rem %COMP_PATH% -meta -patchmeta -subdivisions 2 %GEN_OPTIONS% %MAP_PATH%
rem %COMP_PATH% -meta -patchmeta -subdivisions 1 %GEN_OPTIONS% %MAP_PATH%
Batch File - normal compiles
@echo off
@set Q3_PATH="C:/Program Files/Quake III Arena/"
@set COMP_PATH="C:/Program Files/Quake III Arena/q3map2/q3map2.exe"
@set MAP_PATH="C:/Program Files/Quake III Arena/baseq3/maps/%1.map"
@set BOT_PATH="C:/Program Files/Quake iii arena/q3map2/bspc.exe"
@set GEN_OPTIONS=-fs_basepath %Q3_PATH%
Rem Used for AAS file linkage, not used for normal/test compiles
%COMP_PATH% -meta -patchmeta %GEN_OPTIONS% %MAP_PATH%
%COMP_PATH% -vis -saveprt %GEN_OPTIONS% %MAP_PATH%
%COMP_PATH% -light -fast -samples 6 -bounce 4 -patchshadows -dirty
-dirtscale 2 -dirtdepth 16 -gamma 1.5 -compensate 1.75
Rem Used for AAS file linkage, not used for normal/test compiles
%BOT_PATH% -optimize -reach %MAP_PATH%