============================================================================== Title : AD v1.80 Test Maps Date : October 2020 Author : Simon OCallaghan Filename : ad_v1_80testmaps.zip Audience : These test maps are designed for LEVEL DESIGNERS who want to create maps for AD 1.8 and learn how the new features work Summary : A small collection of test maps showing the various new features found in 1.8. (Were created and used during dev) The zip file contains working (BSP/LIT) examples of each map and source files, which should work in any editor These maps are designed to work with 1.8 ONLY. They don't work properly in vanilla Quake or other mods Textures : Mostly uses my new prototype texture set that is included in this zip fle. Quake wad file = ad_prototype.wad ============================================================================== Installation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copy this Zip file into your NEW AD 1.8 directory * Extract the contents of this zip file * Load your preferred Quake engine and start the AD mod * If you don't have the AD menu then the mod did not load properly * Open the console, type "map test_" and press tab to autocomplete Test Map(s) Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // New vania items test_artifact_airtank : Player takes no damage from being in water test_artifact_blastbelt : Player takes no HP/armour damage from lava test_artifact_jboots : Player does not take splash damage test_artifact_lavashield : Player can do (1-4) extra jumps // New large systems test_custom_hud : All items that affect the HUD layouts test_passivestate : Switching monster passive states test_randomizer : Chaos System setup and item changes test_grapplehook : large playground for the grapple hook test_intermission_cam : Shows fog/skyfog/skybox changes test_misc_camera : New cinematic camera system // breakables and knights test_breakable_pot : New breakble model system (spawning/monsters) test_breakable_exceptions : Showing breakable events (explosive/jump) test_bal_knights : All new knight skins/poses for ad_tears map // Misc entities test_misc_model : New model stuff (skin/animation/rotation/pathing) test_misc_mangle : Different ways to rotate misc_models test_gibfountain : Model/gib spawning system from Zer mod test_marshlight : Extended Sprite/model entity from Quoth test_corpse_model : All corpse models from Quoth with gib system test_fading_bmodel : New ways to fade func_wall/illusionary bmodels // Item/func updates test_ammo_weapons : All ammo/weapons with different skins test_item_progression : How to setup item progression system test_light_static : New static defaults for light models test_light_styles : How to change/modify light styles test_mapvar_portals : Using map varables across map loads test_part_trail : New particle trails on func_trains test_pg_upgrade : Changes to the Plasma Gun against Shamblers test_switch_shadow : Switchable shadows for breakables test_angletarget : New way to move func bmodels in any direction test_door_elevator : New platform/lift type using func_doors test_func_train : New extra features for func_trains test_hazard_dmg : Changes to map hazards via worldspawn test_playerfall : Changes to players (fall speed/dmg) test_playerhpmax : Changes to player max HP/Mega + steelclaw // New/existing monsters test_monster_chthon3 : Different puzzle kill for Chthon test_monster_deflector : From Zer Mod, Enforcer with shield test_monster_dprince : Floor hazard Death Knight test_monster_floyd : Old faithful from Rubicon2 mod test_monster_judicator : New boss from Bal with wave attacks test_monster_justice : New heavy knight from Bal test_monster_minotaur : New minotaur varieties test_monster_nour : New boss setups and attack balance test_monster_rocketeer : New rocket steering system test_monster_tarbaby : Different styles and explosion checks // Monster related functions test_sightgroup : Way to sync a group of monsters together test_monster_pathing : Ability to switch monster pathing test_trigger_monsterjump : New changes to monster jump triggers test_trigger_monsterkill : More ways to kill monsters via scripting test_trigger_health : Trigger events on monsters based on % hp // New/existing triggers test_trigger_give : Way to give items to the player test_trigger_gravity : Server/entity gravity system test_trigger_ladder : New ladder system (push velocity) test_trigger_push : New ways to direct the push angle test_trigger_relay : New toggle/loop functionality test_trigger_fog : New Fog density ranges test_trigger_skyfog : New fog system (r_skyfog) test_trigger_takeartifact : Remove artifacts from player (for boss fights) test_trigger_teleport : New teleporter types (projectile/instant) test_trigger_teleport2 : More teleporter examples with monster test_trigger_teleport3 : Showing the new instant teleporter test_trigger_timer : Scoreboards and timers for special events test_trigger_velocity : Triggers based on weapons and player velocity ============================================================================== Distribution / Copyright / Permissions Please do not use any of these assets in ANY COMMERCIAL PROJECT. and remember to give credit if you use any of these assets. Quake I is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc. All of these resources may be electronically distributed only at NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state and MUST include this readme.txt file. ===========================================================================