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 Arcane Dimensions Monsters

There are many new features to help Level Designers manage monsters easier. The most frequently used are setup via spawnflags, while the more specific are defined via new entity keys.

Bit Spawnflag Description
001 AMBUSH Will only wakeup monster if can see the player directly
002 - Reserved for unique monster attribute
004 - Reserved
008 WAKEUP No wakeup sight sound (stealth/surprise option)
016 NOIDLE No idle sound, all monsters will produce idle sounds, even if they are stationary in a locked monster closet!
032 NOGFX No teleport effect (white sparkles) or sound when spawning
064 DELAY Start in an OFF state and wait for a trigger event before spawning
128 ANGRY When spawning will instantly be angry at the player regardless of how far away the player is from spawn location

In order to make Arcane Dimensions as flexible as possible without mappers having to create their own Quake C progs, many of the monsters core functionality (health, bounding box, skins and angry target) can be changed individually with the entity keys below.

New Entity Keys Description
target (string) Path corner destination or target to trigger on death!
target2 (string) Additional targets to trigger on death
angrytarget (string) Target to get angry at when spawning. This can be any other monster targetname and is designed to help setup infighting sequences.

deathtarget (string) Alternative target to fire when dying. When a monster dies the target key is fired, if this was used for a patrol (path_corner) then it cannot work. This key will always fire on death, especially useful for death counters.

health (float) 1-x = Override default health defined in QC Can be used to create mini boss (change skin) events or to make certain monsters better able to last for infighting sequences.

exactskin (float) 0-x = Override default skin number. There is no range check done because QC has no idea how many skins exist for each monster. This can crash some engines if setup wrong.

upgrade_axe = 1 (float) Will only spawn a monster if the player has the Upgraded Axe in their inventory. Designed for special events based the player having certain items. Will produce an error if used without the DELAY (64) spawnflag option.

upgrade_ssg = 1 (float) Will only spawn a monster if the player has the Upgraded Shotgun in their inventory. Designed for special events based the player having certain items. Will produce an error if used without the DELAY (64) spawnflag option.

upgrade_lg = 1(float) Will only spawn a monster if the player has the Upgraded Lightning Gun in their inventory. Designed for special events based the player having certain items. Will produce an error if used without the DELAY (64) spawnflag option.

nomonstercount = 1(float) Monster will not count towards overall map monster count, useful for ornate stone statues or special secret events!

infightextra (float) 1-x = Damage multiplier when infighting. This is used for infighting sequences where a monster needs to survive. The value does not affect monster vs player combat.

pain_ignore (float) 1 = Will ignore pain frame when infighting
noinfighting (float) 1 = Will ignore all requests to infight
no_liquiddmg (float) 1 = Blocks all liquid (slime/lava) damage checks. Typically Quake does not apply any damage from liquids to monsters and can look odd a monster running freely around a lava pit. This will not make monsters avoid liquid hazzards, but it will make sure they die from them!

no_zaware (float) 1 = Z Aware projectiles will be disabled
bboxtype (float) 1=Tiny, 4=Short, 5=Tall, 7=Wide, 8=Giant, 10=Massive
This will allow monsters to navigate around narrow spaces, but it will also affects the players ability to damage them because projectile impact is based on bounding box size.

gibondeath (float) 1 = Will always explode into gibs on death

bodyfadeaway (float) 1-x = Time in seconds before body / head fades away
Designed for monsters on balconies where a dead body will not fit properly and would look better if they were removed on death!

movespeed (float) = -1 no movement(turret), = 0/1 free movement
A hacky way to convert any monster into a turret by not letting them move anymore. The monster will still run on the spot if it cannot target the player or see them.

turrethealth (float) 0.0 - 1.0 = % of HP when monster turret is released.
A way to release a turret style monster based on a health event triger. Can be used as a way to surprise players, though only really useful if the monster has a lot of health to start with.

turrettarget (string) Target(s) to fire when turret % HP is released. Can be used to trigger events that allow the monster to roam freely (steps) or change the environment in some way.

 Dog (Rottweiler)
Class Group Health Gib Health Skins BBox Size Footsteps Resist
Dog (Rottweiler) Dog 25 -35 1 DOG SLOW n/a

Blah blah blah

 Army Soldier
Army Soldier
Class Group Health Gib Health Skins BBox Size Footsteps Resist
Army Army 30 -35 0-3 SHORT MEDIUM n/a

The soldier is entry level cannon fodder setup with randomly picked skins with and without blood splats and different body armour patches. The soldier is no longer a hitscan enemy, but instead fires shell projectiles which makes them more manageable in packs.

Sean 'Scampie' Campbell Says
Grunts, your basic sadistic killers. Their shotguns have been given an overhaul to shoot projectiles... and they've been joined by some friends with upgraded firepower!

Place the standard Grunts anywhere they can see the player, and they'll peck away at the player's health. Grunts tend to be ammo positive early on when you only have a shotgun, giving you more shells that it takes to kill them, so you might consider them to be small ammo packs that fight back!

 Army Rocketeer
Army Rocketeer
Class Group Health Gib Health Skins BBox Size Footsteps Resist
Army Rocketeer Army 45 -35 4-5 SHORT MEDIUM n/a

blah blah blah

Sean 'Scampie' Campbell Says
Sometimes a shotgun just isn't enough, and you need just a little more gun to compensate for all your insecurities in life. Enter the Rocket Grunt, a grunt who is ready to make you ride his big homing rocket.

Rocket Grunts you should take care to place right in front of the player so they can see the rockets coming. Placed on eye-level or slightly above is best. Usually you'll only want 1 or 2 of these at a time so the player can focus on playing the rocket dodging game.

 Army Grenadier
Army Grenadier
Class Group Health Gib Health Skins BBox Size Footsteps Resist
Army Grenadier Army 60 -35 6-7 SHORT MEDIUM n/a

Blah blah blah

Sean 'Scampie' Campbell Says
An already crazed madman given a grenade launcher and told to have a good time. These Grunts will sow chaos in any battlefield they find themselves in!

Like the Rocket Grunts, you'll want to place these guys where the player can see the grenades coming, and often above eye-level. They are ZAware, so realize they will be able to lob toward the player with decent accuracy. Care should be taken when combined with other grunts, a misplaced grenade might wipe out all his buddies...

 Army Plasma
Army Plasma
Class Group Health Gib Health Skins BBox Size Footsteps Resist
Army Plasma Army 75 -35 8-9 SHORT MEDIUM n/a

Blah blah blah

Sean 'Scampie' Campbell Says
A tough guy in a small package equipped with the height of weapons technology. Plasma Grunts pack a punch with their heavy plasma rifles.

Plasma Grunts are basically slightly less healthy Enforcers who shoot a single heavy blast, and likely best used as singles, maybe presented as the leader of groups of standard grunts. Take care to place these upgraded Grunts so their shots aren't blocked too often, you often want dodging their shots to be the focus of combat in a room when you place them.

 Death Guard
Death Guard
Class Group Health Gib Health Skins BBox Size Footsteps Resist
Death Guard Knight 30 -35 1 SHORT MEDIUM n/a

A medieval version of the 'monster_army' unit with low health and knight like melee damage. Good for starting areas and general filler for existing groups. Designed to be an easy introduction to the Death Knight Brigade with really fast movement speed, it will even outrun a Hell Knight!

Sean 'Scampie' Campbell Says
Not every army is made of well trained and armoured knights. Sometimes, you just need lots of men with good steel in their hands. The Death Guard are the lowest level members of the Death Brigade.

Death Guards are fodder melee enemies. They have a lot in common with monster_dog, they rush at the player in a zigzagging movement and have low health. Best used early in maps in 2s and 3s. Their low health means shotguns will take them out easily, but the numbers should be the threat. Later in a map all they can really do is get caught in the crossfire, or can be shown foolishly walking into traps.

Class Group Health Gib Health Skins BBox Size Footsteps Resist
Knight Knight 75 -40 0-5 SHORT MEDIUM n/a
Stone Knight Stone 75 -40 Def 4 SHORT HEAVY 20% Nails
Bit Spawnflag Description
002 STATUE Starts knight with a stone skin and frozen in a pose
004 NOT FROZEN Will start a statue knight unfrozen for idle/walking encounters
New Entity Keys Description
frame statue frame to be frozen in. (default 44)
pos1 Specify frame range for frozen idle pose (x=start, y=finish)

Standard red shouldered Quake knight with some extra skins, new idle animations (looking left and right) and some extra poses for standing upright or kneeling. There are animation sets for blending between combat and upright/kneeling poses but they were never implemented in time for release.

There is an extra spawnflag to create a stone statue knight (originally from Quake Mission Pack 2) and additional entity keys to animate the frozen pose when the player is not looking. All stone statue knights have stone gibs, a different infighting group and a special resistance to nail ammo.

Crossbow Knights
Crossbow Knight
Class Group Health Gib Health Skins BBox Size Footsteps Resist
Crossbow Knights Knight 75 -25 1 SHORT MEDIUM n/a

A cautious range unit with high damage bolts and a strong melee attack. The bolts are variable speed based on skill level and are designed to force the player to strafe or seek cover. The health bar can easily be taken down with NG+ weapons, but SG\SSG will struggle because of reload times.

When the player is within melee range the unit will use the crossbow as a club and as soon outside of range straight away fire a bolt for a quick hipshot. Unlike most monsters in Quake the crossbow knight will not immediately follow the player but rather wait and keep distance.

It is recommended to place these units around sharp corners (90 degree) or up on ledges overlooking areas. The crossbow knight does not follow the same way as other quake units and needs to be in position first.

Sean 'Scampie' Campbell Says
A marksmen who knows how to keep his distance. The Death Crossbowman knows his advantages, and uses them with deadly precision.

Crossbowmen are a ranged medieval unit who have a unique AI pattern. Unlike normal enemies in Quake, Crossbowmen attempt to keep their distance from the player and won't rush in. This means that even when you place them on the same eye-level as the player, they'll still stay back and take shots. Try to place them in areas where the player has room to side-strafe their shots, they're roughly on par with Enforcers damage wise. Consider using trigger_monsterturret with them, to make them stand at windows or other openings and vantage points to take their shots.

Death Knights / Hell Knights
Death Knight
Class Group Health Gib Health Skins BBox Size Footsteps Resist
Death Knights D Knight 250 -40 3 TALL HEAVY n/a

This is essentially a Hell Knight with more polygon details and the same types of attacks. The Magic spray attack is now linked to skill level and the projectiles will increase speed based on skill level.

Fury Knights
Fury Knight
Class Group Health Gib Health Skins BBox Size Footsteps Resist
Fury Knights Captain 400 -50 1 TALL MEDIUM n/a

A mid level monster with shalrath/demon like health bar that has five melee attacks and two very quick firing magic attacks. Designed to jump close to the player and use multiple quick sword swings for high damage. Will use two types of magic attacks at mid to long range that have slow build up animations that fire variable speed projectiles dependant on skill level.

The fury knight will easily work its way through a crowded room doing extra damage against other monsters and using its over head smash attack for visual affect. It has a high pain threshold for small impact damage, but can be dealt with easily with SNG/GL/RL heavy attacks.

Sean 'Scampie' Campbell Says
The quick and the deadly, Death Fury Knights are elite knights of the Death Brigade. Two swords and a variety of magical attacks, these fighters can be a challenge to even the toughest slipgate warriors.

Fury Knights are comparable to a tougher Fiend, with ranged attacks. Give the player plenty of space to fight these guys, they run and jump at you and can be quite a handful to deal with. You'll likely want to only use them as a mid-boss or in pairs or in combination with other enemies only at the end of a level.

Death Sergeant
Death Sergeant
Class Group Health Gib Health Skins BBox Size Footsteps Resist
Sergeant Captain 400 -60 1 TALL HEAVY n/a

A fast moving Blue Flail knight with shalrath homing missiles and heavy single strike melee attacks. This unit will constantly charge the player if the Z height is similar and if different keep send deadly homing missiles instead. This is a mid level monster that is highly mobile, crushing up close and will easily tear a path through any crowd to get its target.

The homing missiles have the same speed regardless of skill level. Originally these were setup identical to the Shalrath with easy/normal/hard being different to the nightmare skill level. During testing it felt like the missiles were going faster than usual because the blue knight moves around so quick, this is the reason the missiles use only one speed.

Sean 'Scampie' Campbell Says
The strong and powerful, Death Sergeant Knights are elite knights of the Death Brigade. Wielding a deadly spiked flail and able to conjurer homing magic missiles, the Sergeants will run you down.

Death Sergeants are like you had a Vore ride a Death Knight. They will chase the player down with their flail, but added on to that is a vore-like homing missile for their magic attack. You'll want to give the player some space to run when placing these guys, as well as some corners or other geometry for the player to maneuver the homing missiles into. Sergeants can work well in packs of other weaker monsters as well, they have just enough threat that you can't ignore them, but enough tankiness that you can't just kill them before the other enemies get to you!

Hunter Ogre
Hunter Ogre
Class Group Health Gib Health Skins BBox Size Footsteps Resist
Hunter Ogre Ogre 200 -80 0-1 WIDE SLOW n/a
Bit Spawnflag Description
004 METAL Increases Health by 50 points and uses skin 1 (metal armour)

The Hunter Ogre is a new model with greater polygon details and some shoulder armour pieces similar to the Hell Knight. There is a new style of attack for the chainsaw which does a forward thrust motion which does +150% damage more than a regular attack.

The new ogre fires Z Aware grenades at the player which can be tricky to dodge, making this Ogre much more deadly than before. On EASY skill the grenades are aimed infront of the player so that they bounce and gives the player time to react. On HARD+ skill the grenades are aimed straight at the center of the players body making it much more difficult to avoid.

Sean 'Scampie' Campbell Says
"Ogre no stupid! Hunter Ogre go college, learn trigonometry! Can aim grenades good now!"

Hunter Ogres, as well as the variants, are ZAware and can actually target their grenade lobbing toward the player's feet. This means you can actually place them slightly above or below the player and they can be a threat. The Hunter Ogre also has a stabbing attack with it's chainsaw which can inflict extra damage, and can be upgraded with a chain vest for some extra HP.

Mace Ogre
Mace Ogre
Class Group Health Gib Health Skins BBox Size Footsteps Resist
Mace Ogre Ogre 200 -80 0-1 WIDE SLOW n/a
Bit Spawnflag Description
004 METAL Increases Health by 50 points and uses skin 1 (metal armour)

Hammer Ogre
Hammer Ogre
Class Group Health Gib Health Skins BBox Size Footsteps Resist
Hammer Ogre Ogre 300 -80 0-1 WIDE SLOW n/a
Bit Spawnflag Description
004 METAL Increases Health by 50 points and uses skin 1 (metal armour)

Class Group Health Gib Health Skins BBox Size Footsteps Resist
Fiend Demon 300 -80 1 WIDE SLOW n/a

Class Group Health Gib Health Skins BBox Size Footsteps Resist
Wraith Spider 350 n/a 0-5 WIDE n/a n/a

Not all monsters are identical, they all have two spawnflags dedicated to unique features that can easily be switched on or off. Below is a list of monsters and new extra functions and what they do.

Bit Spawnflag Description
001 CRUCIFIED Start in an upright (wall pose) position (regular only)
002 AMBUSH Will only wakeup monster if can see the player directly
004 ONFLOOR Spawn lying down on the floor, use angle key to determine how the zombie is setup (0=random lying down angle, 1-360=specific)

Index -
Installation -
Configuration -
Breakables -
Monsters -
Minions -
Weapons -
Ammo Resist -
Particle System -
Entity States -
Trains -
Traps -
Debuff System -
Start Maps -
Test Maps -
AD Credits -
Base -
Dog -
Army Grunt -
Army Rocketeer -
Army Grenader -
Army Plasma -
Enforcer -
Defender -
Pyro -
Eliminator -
Centurion -
Bob Sentry -
Knights -
Guard -
Knight -
Crossbow -
Death & Hell -
Fury -
Sergeant -
Ogres -
Chainsaw -
Mace -
Hammer -
Mid-Top Range -
Fiend -
Wraith -
Shalrath -
Minotaur -
Drole -
Golem -
Shambler -
Wizards & Zombies -
Wizard -
Skull Wizard -
Gaunt -
Zombie -
Zombie Knight -
Zombie Poison -
Minions -
Gargoyles -
Lost Souls -
Scorpions -
Spiders -
Vorelings -
Firefox This site has been cobbled together by Simon O'Callaghan
Contact Information: Simon O'Callaghan
All content is Copyright © 2000-2024
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