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 The Horde of Zendar (Q1SP)   Information File Size: 9.80Mb
City Gates City Streets Central Church Church Gardens
Gold Prize Hidden Courtyard Roof Tops City Facade

For many years the trail through the Grendal Gorge was a dangerous place, the path was plagued by thieves trying to help travellers part with their gold. At the request of the Merchants Guild the King built several small keeps along the trail and one of them was called Zendar.

As traders used the stone keep for refuge from the packs of thieves roaming the paths below, the tiny keep of Zendar grew into a hodge podge of housing bursting at the seams of a once simple stone keep. The cramped living conditions were unbearable and the citizens of the city were at each others throats.

With the accidental death of the captain of the guards, the remaining silver knights tore the city apart looking for culprits to blame for their leaders untimely demise. No prisoners were taken, Zendar did not have any jails, anyone foolish enough to be caught was buried alive in the city walls as the place descended into madness.

The lucky few who did escape were found wandering the Gorge screaming ...
... the Horde of Zendar take no prisoners!

 Background Information
The map started out with such grand plans! A large hub with a giant royal palace perched on the top, two large city areas on either side for the gold and silver keys, a large vertical gothic style church and a huge city facade overlooking a deep canyon with an iron bridge! Crazy plans!?!

I started with the central hub and palace section as I knew this would require the greatest amount of planning to get the routes right. Each side of the map was going to have an unique theme (gold = city streets, silver = cemetery) with the player being led along a lower path and returning to the hub on an upper path with said key.

Typically maps are linear with a few extra routes to spice things up, but generally the player goes from point A to point B in one direction. I wanted this map to be different, I wanted the player to be able to go backwards through each side of the map and I needed to find a good way to do this without it being totally obvious.

The hub was setup to be a simple loop with four large pillars to support the weight of the palace above. I already had a large church built in a scrap map and it was quick and easy process to connect it to the far end of the hub area.

I wanted the backward routes to be indirect and not obvious to the player because they should be something for game++ sessions. I thought it would be better if they started in the church and then crossed over the hub to the upper exits from each key side of the map.

At this point there was no clear direction on the city architectural style and the hub seemed like the perfect place to prototype elements that could influence the rest of the map. Each corner of the hub needed some city detail and at this stage it was ideal to work out how best to use the textures with specific brushwork shapes.

The city style was based on a layout from a European city, with a large stone wall backbone and all of the housing being squashed into the remaining space. The houses are stacked vertically with various floors spilling out over into the street space creating the impression that the daylight is at a premium, a luxury that is owned by the upper floors.

The house stacking system has many benefit and it is perfect for creating ledges and walkways for the player to climb over and discover places. It is also very easy to shift the layers up and down by small amounts to break the overall horizontal line and create construction variety.

The initial hub design was symmetrical from left to right and that needed to be broken by reversing various elements. The far corners next to the church had bridges for the backward routes and it was a perfect opportunity to break the lines. One bridge was reversed and the lower area was nicely blocked off to create a cool secret area.

With the basic structure of the hub routes in place it was time to add the icing to the cake, the palace section. The original palace layout was a thin mirrored area across the top ending in a large Gold Key door. Once through the Gold door it was up another lift to the final arena fight and through the exit portal.

At this point the final arena was just a simple square block so that the floor space boundaries could be worked out. (Quake 1 has limits on map co-ordinates, -2048 -> 2048) I often find it is better to leave some parts of the map to last, because the best brushwork/texture shapes often come once the map style has been established.

With the hub taking shape and most of the routes connected it was time to plan the gold key side. With this area being a close quarter street layout with a second return layer across the top it was easy to take brushwork ideas from the hub corners.

After weeks of just working in the editor and the map still growing in scope it was becoming obvious that this map was not going to compile quickly. All routes were sealed up and the first full compile was started.

The compiler was started on a Friday night and was still going on Sunday! This was going to be a problem. I knew this map was going to be difficult but I did not expect days/weeks for compile times, something had to change.

Luckily a new compiler by Tyrann had just started using detail brushes to reduce portal/compile times and I knew this was going to be best solution. The map was cut up into small pieces and the core brushwork was simplified while the detail was converted to detail brushes.

Eventually after several days the whole map compiled in less than 20mins, including a full light pass. It was looking like the map would work but there was more problems to come. The BSP format has limits and this map was quickly approaching them and half of the map was still not built!

Something had to be cut and the easiest solution was to remove the Silver Key side because it had not been built yet. This had the added benefit of changing the way the keys worked. No longer did the player have to find both keys, the silver key could be used differently, for secondary objectives instead.

Even with the Silver key side gone there was still the final arena, the facade to the city and a skill selection area to be build. Something else had to go and then a cool idea happened, why not use the hub as the final arena? It is circular, a large space and fully detailed, it would be perfect!

The palace section was re-arranged to have more floor space and link nicely back down to the hub for the final battle. The roof space at the top of the map was slowly building up with more detail and looking so tempting to play in. I knew when everyone would see the rooftop section that they would want to go there and play.

With the roof space becoming an active gameplay area, the detail boundaries had to be extended so that when the player is on the roof there is more to see. The original rooftop vista needed its own vista!

With most of the map built the last section remaining was the facade to the city and I knew it had to be epic. It needed to set the tone for the map and show how big the place was. The player needed to start low and climb up to the city under the bridge and then across it. The flow through this start area needed to feel like a journey, a slow build up to all the combat to come later.

As always the time consuming part was the rocks, getting the vertical templates setup and merging them together in interesting ways. The floor of the start area originally had a small stream with various waterfalls, but the default Quake water is never nice and is usually full bright which makes it look really odd in night time maps.

In my previous map I experimented with fake texture blending and I thought it would be awesome if the river was dry and the edges were blended instead. With various texture trickery the blends worked out really well and with gl texture mode nearest set they looked awesome!

With most of the map built, the only section left was the skill selection and the final exit and then I thought, why not make them the same, but with subtle changes instead. It would help with the BSP limits and give the map a beautiful symmetry of starting and ending in the same place.

The building of this map has been a journey of its own, with plenty of map limits broken and crazy compiler issues I am surprised it has seen the light of day. Hopefully everyone will love the map as much I have loved creating it.

-Create a new folder called "zendar" in your Quake folder
-Copy the Zip file into the new folder
-Extract the contents of the zip file
-Create a shortcut to your preferred Quake engine
-Add the following to the command line:
 -heapsize 96000 -game zendar +map zendar
-Run shortcut and make sure map loads
-The first part of the map is a skill selection area
-Remember to record a demo once you start the map!
-The map was designed and tested to work with the following engines:
 Mark V -
 FitzQuake 0.85 -

 Map Information
Map TypeSP (Single Player) only
DifficultEasy 96, Normal 160, Hard 224 - Monsters
DevelopmentTen weeks
TexturesSome by ID Software and some repainted from Heretic2 by me
SkyboxNight time desert skybox or night time ID skybox (depends on client)
SourceMap and texture WAD included in the PAK file

-ID software for creating Quake
-Additional map feedback and testing by Negke, Spirit and Tyrann
-BSP/VIS Compilers - TYRUTILS v0.14 by Kevin Shanahan
-Light Compiler by Bengt Jardrup
-Coloured light and LIT support by MH
-TexMex 3.4 by Mike Jackman (good for organizing textures)
-AdQuedit 1.3 by Hicks Goldrush (perfect for pak files)

Architectural Concepts -
The Bridge Crane -
Florentine Library -
Shape and Form -
Single Player Maps -
Edge of Forever -
Freeport Docks -
Midnight Stalker -
Backsteingotik -
The Ivory Tower -
The Horde of Zendar -
Metal Monstrosity -
Castle Kaahoo -
One Thousand Cuts -
Fallen From Grace -
Single Player Mods -
In the Shadows -
Arcane Dimensions -
AD Only Maps -
Arcane Adamantine -
Arcane Monstrosity -
Firetop Mountain -
Forgotten Sepulcher -
Grendels' Blade -
Nyarlathoteps Castle -
Obsessive Bricks -
Ogre Fortress (e2m2) -
Slipgate Conundrum -
Tenacious Tentacle -
The City of Zendar -
Multi Player Maps -
Focal Point (QuakeLive) -
Pyramid of the Magician -
Mystic Gemini -
Si'Metrik -
Chiroptera -
Indie Games -
Flipper -
This site has been cobbled together by Simon O'Callaghan
Contact Information: Simon O'Callaghan
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